Tips for Public Comments at City Council Meetings
Making a public comment is an excellent way for your local leaders to hear the concerns of the people they serve!
You can make a positive impact by voicing your viewpoints on important issues. Use this quick guide as a way to be even more effective with your message!
Step 1: Stay in the loop!
You can keep up with agenda items and upcoming council meetings by registering for alerts at the city website.
Step 2: Prepare your statement
Read up on the agenda items you wish to make a statement about.
You want to come from an informed place that aids in problem-solving.
Your statement should include:
Some information about yourself: Your name, if you live or work in the city, and any other information that may convey how the specific agenda item affects you.
A Clear statement of your position.
Speak from your own experience, expanding on how a specific agenda item can affect you that emphasizes your position.
Stick to the facts. You already stated your anecdotal evidence, now showcase that you are not the only constituent affected.
Request action and offer solutions. If possible or appropriate, back up any suggestions you have with examples of it working in a similar city. This helps the decision-makers wrap their heads around any new ideas they have not yet explored or thought of as ineffective.
Keep your statement respectful and courteous. This helps to keep minds open to needed changes! It helps to thank the decision makers for their time and consideration.
Step 3: Communicate your Concern
For Simi Valley City Council Meetings, you have two avenues to communicate:
Via written comment, by emailing the City Clerk’s Office at PublicStatements@simivalley.org
We recommend emailing your statement in, even if you plan to speak as well. Sometimes there can be time restrictions and this is a good back-up for having your concerns documented.
Via speaking at the City Council Meeting, by submitting a Speaker Card to secure your turn
Speaker Cards are only distributed at the City Council meeting and cannot be submitted once the Public Statements begin.
We recommend that you arrive early to secure your speaking spot. Speakers are called in the order their cards were received.
Typically, you will have three (3) minutes to address the City Council.
Your time begins when the light on the lectern turns GREEN
When it is a YELLOW light, you have thirty (30) seconds remaining.
The RED light indicates that your time is complete.
If there are a significant number of speakers, the time allotted to speak can be reduced at the discretion of the Mayor or meeting Chair as they must
Accomodations: Call the City Clerk’s Office (805) 583-6748
If you need an interpreter for a language other than English, the City can provide one with a 48 hour advance notice.
If a 48 hour notice is not provided, you are welcome to bring your own interpreter.
If you utilize an interpreter, your allotted time will double to six (6) minutes to ensure that non-English speakers have the same opportunity to directly address the Council.
Here are some additional tips for speaking at a City Council meeting:
Practice your statement out loud! This gives you added confidence while speaking in the meeting and an idea of how long it is for time limit considerations.
Listen to the speakers before you. Sometimes they will make a point that you agree with or wish to address when it is your time to speak.
You may have a question to ask. Council members will sometimes not have an answer right away. Be sure to get a follow-up avenue from them while you still have the floor.